Friday, September 9, 2016

Collection Letters From the Longest Named Law Firm Ever

So, I had a great comment/ question from “Tony” who asked my thoughts about those collection letters coming from the Law Firm of Delgado, Acosta, Spencer, Linebarger and Perez. KVIA did a special report on them that you can read here.  Bottom line? I think they suck papas.

Basically, the City decided they weren’t collecting enough past due monies and hired this bulldog of a collection agency/ law firm to help them dig up all these old debts. In fact, my husband recently received one of these letters regarding an alleged parking meter violation from 1995! My husband barely remembers what he did ten minutes ago let alone whether or not he paid a parking ticket over 20 years ago!

One of the [many] problems I have with these letters is that they expect YOU to prove to THEM that the debt was paid. Um…I’m sorry law firm…who are you again? I don’t know you…. other than your word and threatening letter, I don’t see anything that shows I owe you a damn thing. Show me a citation. Show me where the City charged me that extra $50 or $65 dollars from when I initially paid the ticket. Why didn’t the City ask for that cost when I paid off the ticket? Since when are hidden costs okay from a City agency??  I say prove it or remove it!

Unfortunately, what I say and what is actually happening are two different things. I think someone, somewhere, is going to take one of these cases to a higher court and hopefully then, we’ll get some resolution to this situation. Until then, don’t be too surprised if your great-great-great grandfather gets one of these collection letters because the horse pulling his buggy took a crap on El Paso Street and he failed to pay the fine. Back then it was a 25¢ fine so I’m sure he now owes approximately $5,000. That’s some expensive caca.

1 comment:

  1. We are burdened with highest taxes in the nation, underpaid, and now this! How am I supposed to help the sheeldrens of EPISD with the 669 millions they need?
